Download and Install

Welcome to the installation guide for the Orchidea Standalone App on Mac! Follow these steps to download, install, and set up Orchidea for all your assisted orchestration needs.

Required Files

  • Orchidea Standalone Application: The software needed for these tutorials.
  • Dataset: At least one dataset containing instrumental samples.


  • Download Orchidea Standalone Application
  • Download Datasets
    • Visit: Orchidea Datasets
    • Available Datasets:
      • TinySOL 2020: Basic orchestral instruments in ordinario style.
      • OrchideaSOL 2020: Comprehensive collection with various playing styles (requires free Ircam Forum subscription).

Software Installation

  • Drag Orchidea to Applications: Drag the into your Applications folder.
  • Allow Installation: Follow these steps for macOS Ventura or the newest macOS:
    • Open System Preferences: Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Security & Privacy.
    • Allow App: Under the “General” tab, you may see a message about Orchidea being blocked. Click “Open Anyway” or “Allow”.
    • Confirm: You might need to enter your admin password to confirm the action.

Dataset Installation

  • Download and Unzip: Download the datasets and unzip the files.
  • Store Datasets: Place the unzipped files in a folder where you store other datasets (suggested location: Max 8 folder > Packages > db).

Next Steps

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